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This article details using the LifeOmic API to delete accounts, user, and projects. To delete users or projects with the LifeOmic Platform web app, see Delete Users.

Account Deletion

The LifeOmic Core API exposes an endpoint for deleting an account and all data associated with the account. This operation can only be requested by a user that has the accountAdmin ABAC action for the given account. The account data will not be deleted until after a 14 day grace period. The account API resource will be updated to indicate the date timestamp for when the deletion will occur.

"id": "lifeomic",
"name": "LifeOmic Research",
"owner": "",
"type": "ENTERPRISE",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"deletionDate": "2018-07-02T19:36:00.683Z"

During the 14 day grace period, a user can continue accessing data from the account and can also remove the pending deletion from the account.

After the 14 day grace period, the following is a list of all known account related data that will get deleted as part of this operation:

  • Files, projects
  • FHIR resources
  • Invitations
  • Account, Custom Auth Clients, ABAC policies
  • Variant Sets, Read group Sets, Expression data sets
  • Analytics data
  • ML data

Project Deletion

The LifeOmic Core API exposes an endpoint for deleting a project and all data associated with the project. This operation can only be requested by a user that has the projectAdmin ABAC action for the given project. The project data will not be deleted until after a 14 day grace period. The project API resource updates to indicate the pending deletion along with a date timestamp for when the deletion will occur.

"id": "uuid",
"name": "Germline Sequencing",
"description": "Indexed VCF and BAM files from a sequencing project.",
"deletionDate": "2018-07-02T19:36:00.683Z"

During the 14 day grace period, a user will be able to continue accessing data from the project, and can also remove the pending deletion from the project. Applications, like the LifeOmic Platform web app, display warnings for projects that are pending deletion by showing the time remaining in the 14 day period.

The following is a list of all known project related data that will get deleted as part of this operation:

  • Files
  • FHIR resources
  • Variant Sets, Read group Sets, Expression data sets
  • Analytics data
  • ML data

The delete project API provides an override to forgo the 14 day grace period, and all project related data will be deleted as soon as technically possible.

User Deletion

The LifeOmic Core API exposes an endpoint for deleting a user. This operation can only be requested by the same user. If the user is pending deletion, clients can decode the access token and check for the deletion_date claim to see if the user is pending deletion and display the appropriate warnings to the user and allow them to remove the pending deletion.

"sub": "uuid",
"cognito:groups": ["us-east-uuid_Google"],
"token_use": "access",
"scope": "phone openid profile email",
"auth_time": 1527763897,
"iss": "",
"exp": 1527767497,
"iat": 1527763897,
"version": 2,
"jti": "f4766f73-b376-48de-b6e3-38857d63uuid",
"client_id": "id",
"username": "Google_username",
"deletion_date": 1527763897

After the 14 day grace period, the following is a list of all known user related data that will get deleted as part of this operation:

  • User group memberships
  • User profile in Cognito
  • LIFE data


For each of the delete scenarios, email notifications are sent at the following times:

  • When the account/project/user delete request was initiated.
  • A few days before the account/project/user will be deleted.
  • After the account/project/user has been deleted.

For deleted accounts and projects, emails are sent to the address specified in the owner field of the account resource. Users are emailed directly for user deletions.